mercoledì 12 marzo 2025     •  Login

The Calderone Glacier

The Glaciersummer 07 photos (ita) - summer 08 photos (ita)

summer 09 photos (ita)

Pictures (panoramic, front, glacial limo)

Statistic Data Notes - Fonts

Panoramic Pictures:

September 1993 and 1998 (pictures by Cristiano Iurisci)

cal3sett95_185.jpg 10sett98c_112.jpg

end of june 2006
agosto06.jpg Copia di Panorama 3.JPG

june 2007                                                                                    august 2007
giugno07.jpg  aogosto07.jpg

The lines indicate the Glacier covered by debris.

Beginning and mid May 2008, picture by Cristiano Iurisci

calderonemaggio2008.jpeg  m21.jpg


Cracks Pictures:


(pictures of September 29th, 1990, courtesy of Giuseppe Albrizio –

Pictures in front of the glacier:

Position in 1987 Position in August 2007 (notice that the front receded approx. 15mt

porta (2).jpg
porta (1).JPG

august 2007
porta.jpg porta (3).JPG

Pictures on Glacial Limo:

Maybe Glacial Limo, a sign of glacier activity

limo (1).JPG

translation by Giuseppe Petricca